Drawing of Michelangelo - Daniele Di Volterra
A portrait by Michelangelo's trusted assistant.

Lorenzo Il Magnifico - Giorgio Vasari
This oil portrait is of Lorenzo di Medici, one of the greatest patrons of art and culture during the Renaissance. This portrait was painted by Giorgio Vasari, who in addition to being Michelangelo's biographer and friend, was a painter and architect.
Battle of the Centaurs - Michelangelo
The earliest sculpture by Michelangelo we have, it's a relief he did under the tutelage of Donatello-s aging assistant, bertoldo, based on a theme suggested by Poliziano.

Madonna of the stairs - Michelangelo
Another 'student' work, here we see Michelangelo trying his hand at the difficult task of stiacchiato relief.

Expulsion from Eden - Jacopo della Quercia
This relief, along with several others on the Porta Magna by Jacopo della Quercia in Bologna, were to have a strong influence on Michelangelo's monumental style, which characterizes his painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.

Bacchus - Michelangelo
Michelangelo's statue of a drunken Bacchus shows off the 21 year old's virtuosity and mastery of the Antique style, as well as his ability to compose original work. However, Cardinal Raffaele Riario was not pleased with the insipid, superficial characterization Michelangelo gave to his deity of ecstasy and transformation.

Pieta - Michelangelo
The Pieta is Michelangelo's meticulously crafted, Neoplatonically-inspired remedy for the disappointment of the Bacchus.It is the only work he ever signed.