Borglum's Final model in plaster for Mount Rushmore, 1/10th scale.

An Early model for Mount Rushmore, showing Jefferson on Washington's left.

A Winter's view rom the viewing stand at the Mount Rushmore National Monument.

Model of Jefferson's face, shown with pointing marks and a plumbline, at the Mount Rushmore Museum.

A difinitore, or pointing device, similar to the ones used at Rushmore, mounted on a sculpture.

Parts of a Diffinitore, or pointing device, used in the pointing up of Mount Rushmore.

Work underway on Mount Rushmore.

Carvers in Bosun's Chairs, jackhammering on Mount Rushmore, as Gutzon Borglum looks on.

A Winch Man at work, on top of Mount Rushmore.

Lincoln . Note the scale of this head compared to the workers on the site.

Washington. Note the scale of the workmen compared to the scale of the face.

Mount Rushmore as it is seen today.

Gutzon Borglum standing next to the lip of Abraham Lincoln.